Tickets > Subscriptions: Online

How to obtain tickets for Sidmouth Music concerts

Subscriptions: Online - Taking out a full or 'Pick and Mix' subscription via online form and online banking

Taking out a subscription online involves two separate steps. To carry it out, you will need to have online banking set up, as this website does not currently handle payments itself.

How to subscribe

The Subscription Application Form below enables one or two people at the same address to subscribe to the Sidmouth Music series of concerts. You should complete all the personal details on the form as these are necessary for the maintenance of your membership of the Society. You may then select whether to subscribe to the full series, or a 'pick and mix' of at least two concerts of your choice.
(Note: If you select Full, it will be assumed that you want to attend all 6 concerts, and any individual concerts you select will be ignored.)

There is a box by which you can add an optional donation to Sidmouth Concert Society. There is also a tick-box for you to indicate whether you wish this donation to be Gift-Aided (thereby enabling the Society to reclaim the tax paid).

There is a 'Comments' box for any other information you may wish to give us.

The form calculates for you the costs of the various subscription elements for which you have opted, and presents them to you together with the total cost (boxes with green outline) .
When you have filled out the form, please check that you are happy with the details, and with the total cost.

You can at any time before submission press the RESET button to clear the contents of the form and start again.

Once you have accepted the agreement at the bottom, you should press the SUBMIT button to process the form. This will send an email message to us, with the contents of the completed form listed.

If you have provided your email address, you will also receive a copy of the email for your records. The message will confirm the details of your subscription(s), and the total amount you should pay.

You should then follow the steps in ‘How to pay’ (below). Your membership can only be accepted, and your subscription activated, once we have received both the email and the correct payment.

How to pay

Using the information sent to you in the subscription email, above (or by noting the cost displayed on the form), please make your payment by direct bank transfer using your own online banking facility to:

Account name: Sidmouth Concert Society
Sort code: 20-30-47
Account no: 40796646

Please ensure you include your surname and initials in the banking REFERENCE field, so that we can tally your payment with your subscription.



Member 1


Forename and other initials:


Type of subscription:

Concerts requested (Pick and Mix subscription only, min 2 max 5 concerts):

Member 1 subscription : 0



Forename and other initials:


Type of subscription:

Concerts requested (Pick and Mix subscription only, min 2 max 5 concerts):

Member 2 subscription : 0

Donation : 0

Postal address, line 1 - House name, house number, street (required) :

Postal address, line 2 - Town/City (required) :

Postal address, line 3 - Postcode (required) :

E-mail address:

Telephone no:


Total payment : 0

DATA PRIVACY: By taking out an SCS subscription I/we consent to my/our contact details being held by SCS for the purposes of administering SCS activities, which may include contacting me/us by e-mail. The full SCS Data Privacy Policy can be found here